Robert "Babeox" Hayes
This site is for keeping friends and family up to date on my progress. I also use it to introduce myself to new friends.
Hi, I am currently on disability for many reasons and I will go into them right now. First, I am schizoaffective with bipolar. This basically means that I have parts of schizophrenia and parts of bipolar. I had voices growing up and I thought that was perfectly normal. At the age of 38, I found out that this isn't the case. So with some time and a lot of meds, I finally got to the point that the voices are pretty much quiet enough for me to function. Stress bring them around, but not too often. The other side affects of the schizophrenia is I get paranoid, and I have become agoraphobic.
The bipolar is like that of most with the condition, I have mood swings, but again with meds I have less of them and far less worse symptoms.
The next thing that I have is diabetes. With diet I have it under control and don't have to take insulin . It unfortunately caused neuropathy in my feet. This makes it hard to walk or do any exercise. I still try it ever chance I can and hope to get back to some things I love. Like Chocolate.
When I was young, I abused my knees to the point that I now have arthritis in both knees. I also have scoliosis, which is a curvature of the spine. Mine was in a S shaped and at the age of 15 I had a surgery to straighten it up. Well it has left me with a different pain than I had at the early part of my life and I have to have special sleeping conditions to relax.